Search Results
In scientific method we don’t just trust: or why replication has more value than discovery
In Scientific Method We Don’t Just Trust: Or Why Replication Has More Value Than Discovery (Gordon)
Can Science be Trusted? A Scientist's Perspective on Peer Review, Bias, Consensus, & Reproducibility
The Pitfalls of P-Value Hacking: Eroding Trust in Science
Scientific Method
Why Trust Science? - with Naomi Oreskes
Liam Kofi Bright: Why Do Scientists Lie? (Royal Institute of Philosophy)
The Scientific Methods / The Replication Crisis
Phil-2780 - Philosophy of Science - Discovery
Your Favorite Research Is (Probably) Wrong: The Replicability Crisis
Exaggerated Claims Undermine Science by Ignoring the Scientific Method
The Replication Crisis: Crash Course Statistics #31